Wind Energy Consulting

Due to the strongly increasing inquiries from property owners regarding the review of wind energy lease agreements, we have established a specialized consulting division. Property owners who have received offers for wind turbines can now also find us directly at

SME Consulting

Legal advice on the sale of a medium-sized company (40 employees) in the legal form a GmbH & Co. KG to an investor. Industry: medical devices.

SME Consulting

Preparation of the necessary contractual documents for the transfer of a medium-sized business from father to son. Industry: Dry construction sole proprietorship.

Team Expansion

Since October 1, 2024, Ms. Petra Faller has been supporting us in the secretariat and as a team assistant at the Freiburg office. Welcome to the team!

Consultation for Property Owners

Examination of a land lease agreement for the construction and operation of a ground-mounted photovoltaic system for a landowner. Summary of the results in a legal opinion.

SME Consulting

Spin-off of a sole proprietorship into an existing GmbH (limited liability company) with a capital increase and the inclusion of the entrepreneur's son as a shareholder in the GmbH. Industry: transport company.

Criminal Tax Law

Legal advice regarding the submission of a voluntary disclosure or the subsequent declaration of income.

Renewable Energies

Advice on the conclusion of a general contractor agreement for the construction of a ground-mounted photovoltaic plant with a nominal output of 9 MW.

SME consulting

Company succession initiated by spinning off a sole proprietorship into a GmbH and participation of the entrepreneur's children in the GmbH.

Renewable energies

Accompaniment Sale of five partial solar parks with a total nominal output of 50 MW, including the transformer station to be built, to a fund.

Consulting municipal utilities

Preparation of a partnership agreement for the joint development and implementation of a wind farm project with the local community.

SME Consulting

Preparation of a merger process to merge two limited liability companies (GmbH).

Advice to colleagues

Examination of a notary's draft contract for the transfer of a multi-party house to the children of the owner/landlord subject to usufruct and in compliance with the gift tax allowances.

SME Consulting

Drafting of a partial inheritance distribution agreement for the transfer of an inherited sole proprietorship to a co-heir and inclusion of the other co-heirs as typical silent partners in the sole proprietorship.

Advice for Public Utilities

Conducting contract negotiations and drawing up wind turbine land lease agreements to secure sites. Offer to accept the landlord as a shareholder in the operating company.

Team Reinforcement

Since 1 October 2023, Ms. Sabrina Schreibauer has been supporting us in the secretariat and as a team assistant in the Kirchheim u. Teck office. Welcome to the team!

SME Consulting

Advising an architectural partnership with several locations - development of a concept for the separation of the partners by way of a real division.

SME Consulting

Contribution of a sole proprietorship to a newly founded GmbH & Co. KG. Conclusion of limited partner share gift agreements for the inclusion of the entrepreneur's children.

Advice for Landowner

Opinion on a photovoltaic land lease agreement for a land owner. Point out to tricky parts of the project developer's model land lease agreement.

SME Consulting

Inclusion of a long-standing employee in an existing occupational therapy sole proprietorship - preparation of a partnership agreement for a freelance GbR and an admission agreement.

Renewable energies

Accompaniment of the implementation of a ground-mounted photovoltaic project with a nominal output of 6.0 MWp. Preparation of the contractual documents (partnership agreement of the operating company, site securing agreements and general contractor agreement).

Opening of an in-house data room

To simplify communication with our clients, we have had our own data room created.

Advice for public utilities

Drawing up a cooperation agreement for working with a third party to secure sites for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems and for further development until they are ready for construction.

Consulting colleagues

Examination of contractual documents for the merger of a profit-generating GmbH & Co. KG to a loss-making GmbH.

SME Consulting

Advice on the drafting and implementation of a business lease as a whole to initiate a business succession.

SME Consulting

Advice and preparation of the necessary contractual documents for the transfer of a sole proprietorship into a newly established GmbH & Co. KG. Admission of the children of the sole proprietorship planned.

Advice for public utilities

Preparation of a cooperation agreement to secure a geothermal permit field for several municipalities.

Advice for landowners

Examination of a lease agreement for the construction and operation of wind turbines (pool model) for a land owner. Notes on contract items of the model lease agreement of the project developer.

SME Consulting

Drafting of an atypical silent partnership agreement for the participation of a consultant in an operating limited liability company.

Team Reinforcement

Our long-time student/legal trainee Lena Kubenka continues to strengthen us, now as an admitted lawyer in the Freiburg office. Congratulations on your successful graduation!

SME consulting

Preparation of the necessary contracts for the admission of children of full age into a family limited partnership GmbH & Co. KG; adjustments to the partnership agreement of the limited partnership.

SME consulting

Drafting and negotiating two land purchase agreements for the expansion of a family business.

SME consulting

Adjustments in a tax advisor partnership agreement to establish a professional practice company of tax advisors.

Renewable Energies consulting

Advising on the sale of a future ground-mounted photovoltaic systems with a total nominal capacity of 9.6 MWp.

SME consulting

Preparation of a legacy fulfillment and consent agreement between the heirs, the executor and the legatees.

SME consulting

Founding of a family company to take in adult children in order to distribute rental income to the next generation.

Consulting municipal utility

Securing land for wind energy locations, taking into account the handover of the agricultural yard by the landlord.

Advice on renewable energies

Preparation of general contractor contracts for the construction of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems with a total nominal output of 23 MW.

SME consulting

Succession planning for a family of entrepreneurs - consolidation of a company split by founding a commercial GmbH & Co. KG.

Advising foreign investors

Enforcement of claims against German debtors in the construction industry.

Criminal Tax Law

Advice on submitting a self-disclosure or subsequent declaration of income.

SME consulting

Preparation of the contracts for the sale of a Berlin restaurant.

Consultation on renewable energies

Please let us know if you are a property owner. Looking for OPEN SPACE PROPERTIES adjacent to motorway, rail routes or in disadvantaged areas for photovoltaic projects for clients.

SME consulting

Dispute between a two-part GbR in two sole proprietorships after a shareholder dispute.

Consulting Renewable Energies

Examination of a module purchase agreement and creation of a general contractor for the construction and sale of an open-space photovoltaic system with a nominal output of 7.0 MWp.

SME consulting

Concept creation for entrepreneurial families to transfer assets to the children with inheritance tax relief.

SME consulting

Creation of a purchase and assignment contract for a general partner GmbH and for a limited partnership for the separation of two shareholders.

Advising foreign investors

Advising a foreign sole shareholder of a German GmbH on the financing of business development in Germany: subordinated loan or contribution to the capital reserve?

SME consulting

Drafting an inheritance settlement contract for a community of heirs.

SME consulting

Transfer of a care service (GbR) into a limited liability GmbH by way of a Sachagio.

Advising foreign investors

Concept creation for the participation of employees of a German GmbH in the company's success abroad.

SME consulting

Shareholder dispute within a limited partnership - solution concepts for those involved.

SME consulting

Creation of contractual documents for the establishment of a family pool company and for the transfer of the founder's assets to this company.

SME consulting

Supported the establishment of three companies in the legal forms of GmbH and KG for the operation of renewable energy projects.

Consulting Renewable Energiey Sector

Creation of a general contractor for the construction and sale of an open-space photovoltaic system with rated power of 4.2 MWp.

SME consulting

Conversion of an architects and planning GmbH & Co. KG into a freelance partnership company with limited professional liability.

SME consulting

Accompanying the sale of a company / limited liability company shares to an investor in the medical device sector.

Consulting Renewable Energy Sector

Preparation of contract documents for several wind turbine operators to share the costs of retrofitting their wind turbines with night identification devices.

Advisor liability

Assertion of claims for damages of a limited partner due to consulting mistakes by a tax consultancy in connection with his participation in a GmbH & Co. KG.

Consulting public utility in Renewable Energy Sector

Preparation of an option contract for the purchase of an open-space photovoltaic system with rated power of 2.2 MWp.

SME consulting

Representing a client in an initiated criminal tax proceeding - preliminary investigation.

Consulting Renewable Energy Sector

Drafting of a general contractor contract and a subcontractor module purchase contract for a Bavarian open-space photovoltaic system with a rated power of 9 MWp.

SME consulting

Concept for restructuring a company´s business due to the corona pandemic.

SME consulting

Accompanying the purchase of a catering business in the legal form of a GmbH on the side of the purchaser.

Consulting Renewable Energy Sector

Drafting of contract documents for dismantling of an old wind turbine and for the sale of the dismantled components.

SME consulting

Drafting of a franchise contract for a new, culinary catering business.

Advising foreign investor

Preparation for the liquidation of a German company owned by a foreign investor. Supervision of the liquidation of the company for several months to support the liquidator.

Consulting Renewable Energy Sector

Drafting a usage contract for a PPA photovoltaic project with a one-time usage fee payment and land register security for possible repayment claims.

SME consulting

Advising a freelance partnership company (architects) on the inclusion of new partners in society.

SME consulting

Tax-neutral contribution of a GmbH participation in a holding structure of an entrepreneur.

Branch office in Kirchheim unter Teck

Opening of a branch in Kirchheim unter Teck, In den Stellegärten 36, 73230 Kirchheim unter Teck.

Advising foreign investor

Accompaniment of exercising an option to acquire further shares in a German GmbH in the field of telecommunications.

Consulting non-profit association

Accompanying a non-profit association in the spin-off of its operating activities to a newly founded non-profit GmbH in order to reduce liability risks in the future.

Successful completion of a renewable energy transaction

Drafting of a contract for the sale of project rights to a wind farm project in Brandenburg.

SME consulting

Accompaniment of a decision-making process for the restructuring of a group of companies. Mediation between shareholder groups and preparation of a roadmap for the implementation of the restructuring.

SME consulting

Support of two companies in the extrajudicial and judicial assertion of claims for damages against former tax advisors.

Consulting Renewable Energy Sector

Preparation of cooperation agreements for a renewable energy project developer for the future construction of open-space and roof-mounted photovoltaic systems for municipal utilities.

Market entry consulting

Advising a Danish investor on market entry in Germany

Consultancy for Land/property-owners in the field of renewable energies

Expert examination of a long-term leasehold agreement for the construction and operation of wind turbines on land in Thuringia for a property owner.

Medium-sized companies consulting

Opinion on the tax-optimized structuring of a company in the field of plant rental.

Successful completion of a renewable energy transaction

Drafting contracts for the sale of a wind farm project in Brandenburg for a project developer.

New, unified phone numbers for both offices

You can reach us immediately by phone on +49 761 45 89 34 21. Please send faxes to +49 761 45 89 34 22.

Reopening of the office

Reopening of the office in Luisenstrasse 5 in 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau.

New website

Our new website is online: faster, more attractive, and above all "mobile friendly"!